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How to Make a Kids Recipe Book

Years ago, grandparents passed their recipes down to their children and grandchildren. Over time family recipes were established. Life has gotten a little busier and many cherished recipes are being forgotten. Does this sound familiar?

Did you love Grandma's Zeppoli fried dough but no one else knows how to duplicate the recipe?

Don't let the years pass you by without taking the opportunity to share, cook and write down your family's favorite recipes. Start by making your own family cookbook. Get your kids involved in cooking by showing them how each recipe is prepared. Sometimes a lot is left out in family recipes and many recipes have different ways of being prepared.

Don't just give your kids the recipe prepare it with them. This will help pass down short cuts and discover different ways of making the tried and true recipes your family loves.

Cooking is a great way to teach your kids about family history.

If you have passed down recipes teach them about their grandma, grandpa or aunt who made this recipe. What were they like and what did they look like? They might not have known a certain relative but they can have a connection to them by making their favorite recipe.

If no one in your family has done this, start now with your own recipes and start a family tradition.

How to Create Kids Recipe Books Easily

by Wendy , (South Africa)
Ever since our children were very young we have been cooking together.
Initially it was the usual easy kid recipes and decorating fairy cakes and biscuits. As our children have grown (they range in age from 12 – 5) I have asked them to participate in cooking the evening meal and other additional cooking chores.

Over the course of this last year my 10 and 12 year old children have learnt to create a great number of tasty meals. My son is the more adventurous and confident cook, thus he creates meals like “Basil and Parmesan Meatballs with a Tomato sauce over Spaghetti.” My oldest daughter has preferred learning how to make waffles, flapjacks, choc chip brownies and egg dishes.

This year we are creating recipe books for them. As they master their dish they will write the recipe out and file it in a folder. This means when they eventually set up their own homes, they will have a tried and tested recipe book to give them a strong start.

My younger two children are well into their training process already (aged 5 and 8) by making salads, baking and making fresh carrot juice for us in the morning!

I hope this idea will inspire other moms with young chefs,

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